Navitas Solar

Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation : Association with Forest Creators

Tree Plantation in Association with Forest Creators
Tree Plantation

Pulwama Shahid Vann: This is a Project for creating Dense Miyawaki Forest of 40,000 trees in conjunction with the Social Forestry Department. The Project Site is Kalai village, Umbergaon district, Gujarat. It is done in commemoration of the Indian soldiers who so valiantly fought for our motherland and become Martyrs in the Pulwama Battle. 1000 trees are planted for each of the 40 soldiers who became martyrs. We have chosen 40 different species of native trees for this project. Forest Creators thanks Navitas solar group for their support for the planting of 1250 trees forest. We are happy to report that the Project is a resounding success so far. Navitas Solar has planted 5000 trees till now in different areas of Gujarat.

Forest is growing dense and high. Birds and nests are already appearing showing the slow restoration of the natural eco-system. More bird species are being found. Some snakes and reptiles also visited the site. Some small animals like rabbit also spotted here occasionally. Regular watering and maintenance and supervision is on. Deweeding has been completed for this quarter as well. Additionally, we did a maintenance of the irrigation pipelines through flushing and other repairs as required. We also did a cleaning and reinstallation of the borewell pump. Certain places we did a re-plantation where parts were not growing well. We added stick support as needed.