June 19, 2024

Installing Solar Panel: The Ultimate Guide to Types, Benefits & Cost

Solar Panel Installation Cost The Ultimate Guide To Types, Benefits And Cost

India is a tropical country with its temperature reaching in the 40s and 50s during summers. This has an overall impact on the cost of electricity for the consumers. And with an increase in prices of necessities as well as the impact non-renewable energy sources have on the environment, installing solar panels might be an unexpectedly favorable solution.

The use of solar energy has risen as a sustainable electricity generation source. With the growth of technology, the solar panel industry has grown significantly. Solar panel installation has various benefits from saving the planet to money. In this blog, we, as an industry-recognized solar panel manufacturer in Gujarat, walk you through the nitty-gritty of solar panels and their installations.

The Benefits of Solar Panel Installation in India

Before we discuss what kinds of solar panels are out there and what is the cost of installing them, let’s start with their benefits. Installing solar panels in your homes or commercial spaces has many environmental and financial benefits. Here are some:

Environmental Benefit:

Traditional electricity is produced by burning non-renewable natural resources. While the demand keeps increasing, the resources are depleting. Traditional electricity production also contributes to global warming and carbon emissions. On the other hand, solar panels depend on sunlight (a natural resource available in abundance), hence reducing the use of limited natural resources and also producing negligible carbon emissions. Additionally, solar panel installation in India lasts at least 25 years. Consequently, it reduces the overall impact of solar panel manufacturing in the long term.

Reduction in Electricity Bills

The solar panel depends greatly on sunlight. Therefore, the electricity produced is practically free. Once you have installed the solar panel, you can access free electricity. With the additional maintenance cost, you can recover the initial investment through the payback period. The payback period is when the amount of the regular electricity bill saved equals the solar  panel installation cost. Additionally, if you switch to an on-grid solar panel system, you can transfer excess electricity to the utility provider. If your solar system has produced more than necessary electricity, you can transfer it to your electricity provider through the grid. In exchange, you can get reward points or monetary rewards.

Government Incentives for Solar Panel Installation

The government has launched many programs to promote the adoption of solar panels. These programs provide subsidies to reduce the cost of solar panel installation, low-interest loans, and tax rebates, all of which help ease the financial burden of solar panel installation.

Increased value of property

Solar panels have been in demand. Therefore, having one can increase the sale value of your property by 4% (source). However, this increase may depend on factors like sunlight exposure, solar panel adoption, government policies, etc.

Types of solar panels available in India

Navitas Solar, an industry-recognized solar panel manufacturer in Gujarat, manufactures different types of solar panels, which are mentioned below.

Monocrystalline solar panel

The monocrystalline solar panel is the OG solar panel. It is highly efficient (almost 20%) and equally expensive. The solar cell of this panel is made from a single silicon crystal. Therefore, it is costly yet efficient. You can find these types of solar panels in different sizes at any solar panel manufacturer in India.

Multi-crystalline solar panel

Multi-crystalline solar panels use fragments of silicon to produce solar cells. They are efficient and affordable, perfect for those seeking an inexpensive yet efficient solution. The efficiency ranges around 15-18%. Navitas Solar produces a wide range of multi-crystalline panels with varying capacities.

Bifacial solar panel

The bifacial solar panel has solar cells on both surfaces to increase the solar conversion rate. It is significantly useful in areas with high sunlight exposure. Navitas Solar, the top solar panel manufacturer in Gujarat, produces bifacial solar panels so you can get the most out of the solar system and recover the solar panel installation cost.

Thin-film solar panel

Thin film solar panels bend according to the surface. They are perfect for uneven surfaces and in congested spaces of offices or apartment buildings. Although these solar panels are less efficient, they are more adaptive to the space you have for the solar panel installation.

Half-cut solar panel

Here, the solar panel is divided into two halves that operate as separate units. Therefore, the other can work even if one side is not producing enough. It helps maintain efficiency in low sunlight as well.

The Process of Solar Panel Installation in India

Now, let’s understand the process of solar panel installation in India.

Assessing the project needs

The step to installation of a solar system starts with an assessment of your electricity unit requirement. It will help you identify the solar panel capacity required to meet those needs. Navitas Solar provides installation services and is a Gujarat solar panel manufacturer. We conduct an in-depth assessment of your location and electricity needs to help you find the most suitable solar panel system. At this stage, you can also determine the solar panel installation cost to make your decision.

Designing and planning solar panel layout

It would help if you designed the solar system arrangements according to your available space. For this, our team of experts prepares a blueprint for solar panel layout. It helps us determine what equipment will be needed and where it will be placed.

Gathering necessary permits for solar installation

Once the plan is ready, it needs approvals from various places. These include your local utility provider, registration in DISCOM, loan approvals, subsidies approval, and more. Executives from Navitas Solar take care of these hassles for you, so you can relax while taking a step toward a sustainable life.

Solar panel installation

After the approvals, it’s time for the main task. The solar panel manufacturer in Gujarat or anywhere else also provides installation services. Navitas Solar helps you procure solar system-supporting equipment like racks, hooks, wires, converters, and batteries. Once we have all the equipment, we start with installing the solar stand, followed by wiring the solar panels and finally connecting them to the system.

Solar system checking and activation

Once the installation is completed, our expert thoroughly checks the connection. After ensuring all the connections are in place without leaking electricity, your solar system is good to use. Now, you can enjoy free electricity and save natural resources as well.

How much does solar panel installation cost?

The solar panel installation cost depends on various factors. A few factors are listed below:
  • The size of the solar system
  • The capacity of the solar panel
  • The installation cost of the solar panel
  • The roof-top assessment and improvement cost
  • The cost of supporting equipment
  • The permit fees charged by government organizations
  • The maintenance charge for solar panel
Navitas Solar, the best solar panel manufacturer in Gujarat, offers you the best prices and offers to reduce solar panel installation costs.


Solar Panels have risen as a sustainable alternative for electricity production. It saves natural resources, reduces electricity bills, and helps you live better. The solar panel installation cost is reduced as the government provides incentives like subsidies and tax relief. Navitas Solar, a trusted Gujarat solar manufacturer, o offers customers a diverse range of solar panels ranging from classic monocrystalline to efficient bifacial solar panels. We also help you through all the stages of solar panel installation in India. We help you assess your location, recommend the right solar panel, design the layout, get permits, and install and activate. Take your first step towards a sustainable future and low to no electricity bills by adopting solar power. To learn more, schedule a meeting!


What type of solar panels does Navitas Solar provide?

Navitas Solar offers a wide range of solar panels with varying capacities. We have monocrystalline, multicrystalline, n-type, bifacial, and half-cut solar panels. We can help you identify which will best suit your needs.

How can I get financial aid for my solar panel installation cost?

To get financial aid to reduce your solar panel installation cost, you must first register your solar system with nearby DISCOM. They will provide you with an ID number to register with the government or banks for financial aid like subsidies, tax relief, and low-interest loans. Navitas Solar can help you easily get financial assistance.

Can anyone install solar panels?

Yes! You can easily install solar panels if you have the space, financial aid, and necessary permits. Navitas Solar can provide guidance and support from installation to activation.