June 14, 2024

Complete Solar Panel Solution Installed by Navitas Solar

Investing in a complete solar power system from scratch is a lengthy and technical task. Well, it’s not a walk in the park, but that’s why it is a job to be done by professionals!

Navitas Solar is a solar panel manufacturing company in Surat. We have been in the business for a decade with PAN India projects. So, when we say we can take care of everything related to your solar system installation, we mean EVERYTHING! In this blog, we talk about the complete solar solutions provided by Navitas Solar to ease your adoption of solar energy.

First, we will discuss all of Navitas Solar’s products and services. Then, we’ll discuss how we ensure a smooth installation.

What are Navitas Solar Products and Services?

Solar Panel

A solar panel is the core of any solar system. It is a structure made with many solar cells composed of silicon crystals. Navitas Solar is a solar panel supplier in Surat delivering solar panels PAN India. Our team of experts, under the guidance of our leaders, produces varying types of solar panels. It ranges from multi-crystalline solar modules, mono-crystalline solar modules, and integrated photovoltaic modules. Whether you need a solar panel for your large or compact office rooftop, we have you covered.

EVA Sheets

The solar cells converting sun energy into electric energy are sensitive. The EVA sheets encapsulate and protect the solar cells from any outer damage. They act as a barrier in the solar system, blocking humidity, water, dust, and shocks. They keep the compact solar cell arrangement intact. These EVA Sheets come in varying densities and types to help you find the one that fits your needs.

Solar EPC Solution

Solar EPC stands for Solar Engineering, Procurement, and Construction. Here, the solar manufacturer takes responsibility for manufacturing, supplying, and installing solar systems. In Solar EPC, we offer complete solar solutions in India. We will discuss the whole installation later in this blog. We offer you full service, from determining the type of solar panel fitting to the final electricity supply after installation.

Solar RESCO Solution

Solar RESCO comes to the rescue when you want to avoid investing in solar systems or taking maintenance responsibilities. Here, a Solar RESCO developer installs and maintains the solar panel system. Those who wish to use solar energy must pay the developer a certain amount. It is a good option for renting apartment holders to increase the value of their property.

How does Navitas Solar offer Complete Solar Solutions?

Once you have selected the type of solar system (EPC or RESCO) you want, the following process remains the same.

Checking the prerequisite for solar panel installment

Before you search for a solar system, you must check a few prerequisites. These can save you time, money, and energy.

Your journey to change and adopt sustainable energy starts at your home. First, you need to see if your space has the infrastructure for installing a solar system: a rooftop space, a government-approved electric supply, space to install converters and batteries, and more.

Next, determine your monthly (or, if possible, daily) electric consumption. You can check your electric bill or track your unit consumption on the meter at your home. It will help you determine the panel’s voltage requirements and electricity output. We measure your area to help you determine which type of solar panel will suffice for your needs. We also examine the compatibility of your space for solar panel installation. We do all the pre-required paperwork for installation approval from the government. It helps you connect solar panels to your local electricity supplier in your space.

Determining the best solar panel for you

Each solar panel has varying capacities. They produce electricity on a watt or kilowatt basis. A solar panel can produce up to 250-400 watts of energy. You can decide on a solar panel based on its watt output. Calculate the total watt output you need to run your home appliances comfortably.

You can determine the number of solar panels you need by the size of the space you have available for installation. If you have a compact space, you need a solar panel with a high-voltage output, or a low-voltage panel if the space is large enough. We help you measure your space and determine the most suitable solar panel.

Designing the solar panel system to fit your space

Once the solar panel is selected, the most exciting tasks start. Designing the layout of your solar system: from the rooftop to your switchboard. Setting up solar panels in areas with maximum sun exposure is crucial. We set up a stand in case you have a flat roof or railing if you have a slant roof. Additionally, we map out the wires and position of the converters and batteries. Through this process, we plan all the nitty gritty of solar system installation.

Assisting you with financial aids

Finance is one of our customers’ biggest worries. We try to lessen it by accepting varying financial aid. Firstly, we ensure that you take advantage of all the government incentives. It includes cost subsidies and tax benefits after installation.

There are many solar panel financing options in Surat or anywhere in India. It is because the government supports the adoption of clean energy. You can easily get a loan from a bank or other financial institutions at low interest rates. Some banks provide loans at 8% interest. So, you can save some money with lucrative offers and incentives.

Collecting the necessary equipment and tools

We help you with the complete installation, including collecting the necessary tools and equipment. It may include nuts, racks, hooks, solar support stands, panels, electric wires, earthing tools, meters, batteries, etc. We help you find the best deals on this equipment and save money. We use our supporting tools to ensure the best error-free installation.

Installing the solar system in your space

The action starts here! Our team of experts starts installing the stands, racks, solar panels, and more. By following the layout, they ensure that everything goes well. Our skilled technician cares for every minute detail and answers your queries. They connect the system with batteries or the local electricity providers’ grid based on your requests. Installing the whole solar system might take a few hours or days.

Testing the solar panel functioning

Once the solar panel is all set and installation is complete, it’s testing time! Our technicians will start the connection to ensure everything flows smoothly. Here, you will be able to use solar energy as you need it.


Switching to solar energy is a good decision. However, the process may make you think twice. But, with Navitas Solar’s complete solar solutions, you can rest while we do the work for you. From checking the premise for solar installation to connecting the solar panel to your house’s electric system, we got you covered. Navitas Solar products and services primarily include solar panels, EVA sheets, Solar EPC solutions, and Solar RESCO solutions. You can select the type of solar panel that can suffice your needs based on your electric consumption. Then, our team will help you with financial aid, setup, material procurement at the best price, and installation. We are committed to making sustainable energy accessible and helping you lead a healthy life.

Get your solar panels to embrace the change. Let’s connect!


In which states does Navitas Solar provide its service?

  • We provide our services to PAN India. As long as your state has clear solar system rules & regulations and infrastructure to support solar panels, we can provide our products and services to you anywhere!

How long does solar installation take?

  • The entire process, from premise inspection before installation to final electric plug-in, might take 3 – 4 months. It also includes the time to get your documents and approvals from the government. If you want us to install the solar panel system only, it will take a few hours or maybe a few days in case of some mishaps.

Can I get a solar panel anywhere?

  • If you have a flat surface to mount solar panels and optimum sunlight exposure, you can install solar panels easily. Our team of experts ensures a custom design is created to fit the solar panel in your space.